Home-schooling Course
Online IGCSE Courses: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Academic Excellence
Explore our wide array of homeschooling courses tailored for the IGCSE curriculum, renowned as the premier examination qualification for students aged 14 to 16, universally recognized by educational institutions and employers.
Your child's choice of IGCSE subjects significantly influences their academic and career path. For guidance, consult our resource, "Selecting Your Child’s IGCSE Subjects."
If you're considering enrollment but unsure about your child's readiness for IGCSE-level studies, take advantage of our pretests in various subjects. Our Admissions team is available to assist you.
Ease into IGCSE coursework with our comprehensive transition guide.

IGCSE Portuguese
Our homeschooling program for Cambridge IGCSE Portuguese underscores the cultivation of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Research suggests that learning a second language, like Portuguese, yields cognitive benefits:
- Enhanced listening proficiency.
- Improved working memory, aiding in cognitive functions.
- Greater agility in task-switching.
- Heightened comprehension of the native language.
These benefits, along with cultural immersion, enrich your child's educational experience.

IGCSE English Language
Benefits of Our Cambridge IGCSE English Language Course:
Our IGCSE English Language home-schooling course empowers your child to communicate effectively, with skills including:
- A diverse vocabulary
- Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
- Developing a personal writing style
- Writing for various audiences
These skills are essential for higher education and employment. A strong grade (C or better) in IGCSE English Language satisfies university entrance requirements and meets employer needs globally.

IGCSE French Language
Our Cambridge IGCSE French home-schooling course focuses on listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Research shows that speaking a second language, like French, offers cognitive benefits:
- Improved listening skills.
- Enhanced working memory, aiding mental tasks.
- Faster task-switching abilities.
- Deeper understanding of the first language.
These benefits, along with cultural immersion, enrich your child's learning experience.
Command words
Command words and their meanings help candidates know what is expected of them in the exam.
The table below includes command words which may be used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will relate to the subject content. This is a generic list for IGCSE First Languages. Due to differences in formation, structure and usage between languages, some of these command words might not appear in the assessment for this particular language.
Command word What it means
Analise examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship between them
Comente give an informed opinion Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences
Descreva state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features
Discuta write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way
Avalie judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
Explique set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things clear / say why and/or how and support with relevant evidence Dê (a sua opinião) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
Identifique name/select/recognise
Justifique support a case with evidence/argument
Refira express in clear terms
Sugira apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid
responses in order to make proposals / put forward considerations
Command words
Command words and their meanings help candidates understand what is expected of them in the exam. The table below includes command words that may be used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will be related to the subject content.
This is a generic list for IGCSE First Languages. Due to differences in formation, structure, and usage between languages, some of these command words may not appear in the assessment for this particular language.
Command word What it means
Analyse examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements, and the relationship between them
Comment give an informed opinion
Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences
Describe state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features
Discuss write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way
Evaluate judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
Explain set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things clear / say why and/or how and support with relevant evidence
Give (your opinion) produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
Identify name/select/recognise
Justify support a case with evidence/argument
Refer express in clear terms
Suggest apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to make proposals / put forward considerations
Mots de commande
Les mots de commande et leurs significations aident les candidats à comprendre ce qui est attendu d'eux lors de l'examen.
Le tableau ci-dessous comprend les mots de commande qui peuvent être utilisés dans l'évaluation pour ce programme d'études. L'utilisation du mot de commande sera liée au contenu du sujet.
Il s'agit d'une liste générique pour le First Languages IGCSE. En raison des différences de formation, de structure et d'utilisation entre les langues, certains de ces mots de commande peuvent ne pas apparaître dans l'évaluation pour cette langue particulière.
Mot de commande Signification
Analyser examiner en détail pour montrer la signification, identifier les éléments et les relations entre eux
Commenter donner un avis éclairé
Comparer identifier/
Commenter les similitudes et/ou les différences
Décrire énoncer les points d'un sujet
Donner des caractéristiques et les principales caractéristiques
Discuter écrire sur des problèmes ou des sujets en profondeur de manière structurée
Évaluer juger ou calculer la qualité, l'importance, la quantité ou la valeur de quelque chose
Expliquer établir des objectifs ou des raisons / rendre les relations entre les choses claires / dire pourquoi et/ou comment et soutenir avec des preuves pertinentes
Donner (votre opinion) produire une réponse à partir d'une source donnée ou de la mémoire
Identifier nommer/sélectionner/reconnaître
Justifier étayer un argument avec des preuves/arguments Référez-vous exprimer de manière claire
Suggérer appliquer des connaissances et une compréhension à des situations où il existe une gamme de réponses valides afin de faire des propositions / soumettre des considérations

IGCSE History
Why Choose Cambridge IGCSE History
Our Cambridge IGCSE History homeschooling course parallels a literary journey, where understanding deeper themes requires critical analysis, akin to comprehending historical events and their contemporary significance.
Key topics covered in the course include a Depth Study on Germany 1918-45, along with Option B, The 20th century: International Relations since 1919. This includes exploration of questions such as the fairness of peace treaties, the success of the League of Nations, the causes of international conflicts, the origins of the Cold War, containment policies, and the control of Eastern Europe by the USSR.

IGCSE Spanish Language
Why Choose Cambridge IGCSE Spanish
¡Hola! ¿Hablas Español?
Our Cambridge IGCSE Spanish homeschooling course improves listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Research shows mastering Spanish enhances listening, memory, task-switching, and proficiency in the first language. Key topics include everyday activities, personal life, the world around you, work, and the international realm.

IGCSE Computer Science
Advantages of Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science
Our Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science homeschooling course offers a thorough grasp of computer science principles, preparing students for advanced studies in science and engineering.
Computer scientists are instrumental in creating software and hardware essential for societal functions, from safeguarding digital assets for small businesses to enhancing volunteer management for homeless shelters.
Key course topics encompass data representation, communication technologies, hardware and software, security, ethics, algorithm design, problem-solving, programming, and databases.
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New Students: IGCSE 1st Year | 5 subjects + course bundle | 4 subjects + course bundle | 3 subjects + course bundle | 2 subjects + course bundle | 1 subject |
Price for each subject | 1 800,00 € | 1 950,00 € | 2 100,00 € | 2 350€ | 2 500€ |
Fee per course depending on quantity selected | 9 000,00 €/Year | 7 800,00 €/Year | 6 300,00 €/Year | 4 700€/Year | 2 500€/Year |
New Students: IGCSE 2 nd Year | 5 subjects + course bundle | 4 subjects + course bundle | 3 subjects + course bundle | 2 subjects + course bundle | 1 subject | |
Price for each subject | 1 800,00 € | 1 950,00 € | 2 100,00 € | 2 350€ | 2 500€ | |
Fee per course depending on quantity selected | 9 000,00 €/Year | 7 800,00 €/Year | 6 300,00 €/Year | 4 700€/Year | 2 500€/Year |
What's Included in Our Course Fees:
Included in Our Course Fees:
- Thorough coverage of the exam program offered by the IGCSE of the Cambridge International Curriculum.
- Support for assignment revisions.
- Dedicated Tutor for prompt assessment and feedback (within 3-5 working days), with online tutorials available for modern foreign language courses to prepare for oral exams.
- Access to our intuitive online learning platform, offering a variety of resources such as study programs, quizzes, videos, websites, Tutor-prepared materials, and assignments.
- Personalized assignment schedule crafted by a Student Progress Manager (SPM) to monitor progress and provide assistance.
- Each IGCSE course encompasses curriculum content equivalent to two academic years and is designed to be completed over two years.
- Maximum 24-month access term, aligned with exam dates.
- Included are e-books, online learning materials, and access to select courses and guides from Prime School International.
- Assigned Student Progress Manager for ongoing support, supplemented by tutors who provide periodic feedback and can be contacted through the learning platform's messaging system.
- Access to the Prime School International Community area, Clubs, Virtual Library, and Secondary Student Forum (depending on age).
How Our Course Fees Work:
- We offer course packages, with decreasing costs per course as more subjects are enrolled.
- Students have the flexibility to study at different examination levels within the IGCSE phases, provided they meet entry criteria.
- The Prime School International Admissions team provides guidance on combining courses from Pre-examination Years and Examination Years.
What's Not Included in Our Course Fees:
- Course fees do not cover examination fees, which must be paid directly to our examination center.
- Prime School International does not provide examination texts for use in the exam room. Students are required to source these themselves, so will need to check with their exam center as to the edition that they permit, as restrictions vary between centers, using the guidance on your Prime School International course for support. Please note that the majority of our courses do not permit texts to be used in the exam room.
- In addition to the course fees, there is a non-refundable registration fee of €600 per student prior to enrolling with Prime School International, along with a non-refundable capital levy fee of €1000 per student.
- Please take into account visa constraints based on your country of origin.
Sibling Discount:
- Siblings of new or current Prime School International students receive a 5% discount (excluding the first enrolled student from a family).
- The displayed fees include approximately a 5% discount for full payment; installment payment option available in 3 installments (Three quarters) upon request.
If you need anything else, feel free to ask!