

6 to 11 Years Old
(Sintra and Lisbon)

Step into our vibrant primary school program, where students are offered a choice between two enriching educational paths: the Cambridge International curriculum, delivered exclusively in English, or our bilingual option, where the curriculum is taught in both Portuguese and English.

At Prime School, we're committed to integrating the latest technologies into learning. From state-of-the-art science labs to immersive scientific experiments, we provide students with an engaging and up-to-date educational experience.

Recognizing the diverse linguistic backgrounds of our student body, representing approximately 70 nationalities worldwide, we offer tailored support for those with limited English proficiency. Our personalized programs empower students to strengthen their language skills, boosting confidence for active participation in all aspects of school life.

Sports play a pivotal role in our holistic approach to education. Our students not only benefit from a range of sporting activities to enhance physical fitness but also develop invaluable teamwork, leadership, and resilience skills.

Moreover, our interdisciplinary projects allow students to apply academic concepts in real-world contexts. By integrating technology, science, and sports, we nurture creativity and problem-solving abilities, preparing students for the challenges of the modern era.

At Prime School, we're dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence while equipping students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. We embrace new technologies, champion scientific and athletic pursuits, and celebrate the rich tapestry of linguistic diversity within our school community. Join us on a journey of discovery and growth at Prime School.


Our primary school curriculum is designed to place students at the center of their learning journey, offering personalized and challenging educational experiences that foster confidence, success, and a lifelong commitment to learning. We prioritize the cultivation of a deep love for learning, the development of critical thinking abilities, and the establishment of a robust understanding of fundamental subjects. Through the implementation of innovative pedagogical techniques and engaging interactive learning opportunities, our goal is to ignite curiosity and ignite a fervent enthusiasm for knowledge in every student, empowering them to realize their utmost academic potential.


In our elementary school, our educators hold a steadfast belief in the unique potential of each and every student. They employ a diverse range of instructional strategies, utilizing sophisticated learning, assessment, and communication tools to discern the individual strengths and areas for growth of every pupil. Through close collaboration with families, our teachers develop tailored academic objectives and personalized learning pathways for each student, ensuring that every child receives the targeted support and guidance they need to thrive academically.

  • English serves as the primary language of instruction, fostering language proficiency and communication skills essential for academic success and global engagement. Portuguese is introduced as a secondary language, enriching cultural understanding and linguistic versatility.
  • Mathematics is taught in English, providing students with a solid foundation in mathematical concepts, problem-solving strategies, and analytical thinking skills.
  • Science instruction in English immerses students in the exploration of scientific principles, experimentation, and critical inquiry, preparing them for future STEM endeavors.
  • Global Perspectives, conducted in English, broadens students' perspectives by examining global issues, fostering cultural awareness, and promoting responsible citizenship in an interconnected world.
  • Art (Music, Drama & Design) instruction in English encourages creativity, self-expression, and aesthetic appreciation through diverse artistic mediums, enhancing students' imaginative and artistic abilities.
  • Physical Education (PE) classes, taught in English, promote physical fitness, motor skills development, teamwork, and sportsmanship, instilling a lifelong appreciation for health and wellness.
  • Animal and Environmental Science, instructed in English, introduces students to the wonders of the natural world, ecological principles, and environmental stewardship, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet.

Portuguese functions as the primary language for instruction, facilitating linguistic fluency and fostering cultural immersion.

English is incorporated as a secondary language, enhancing students' proficiency within a global context.

Mathematics and Science instruction is conducted in English, providing students with a robust understanding of these foundational subjects and aiding comprehension of fundamental concepts and principles.

Global Perspectives classes are delivered in Portuguese, providing students with insights into worldwide issues and cultures, with a specific emphasis on Portugal's history and context, nurturing critical thinking and cross-cultural awareness.

Art (Music, Drama & Design) classes are conducted in Portuguese, fostering creativity, self-expression, and cultural appreciation through various artistic mediums and performing arts.

Physical Education (PE) lessons are taught in Portuguese, emphasizing physical fitness, coordination, teamwork, and sportsmanship, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

Animal and Environmental Science courses are also presented in Portuguese, introducing students to ecological concepts, environmental responsibility, and biodiversity, cultivating an appreciation for the natural world and sustainability practices.

Note: Sintra and Lisbon Campuses: Choose between one curriculum with two pathways from primary to secondary 1 - either the exclusive Cambridge International curriculum taught in English or the bilingual curriculum option with some subjects taught in both Portuguese and others in English.

Creative ways of teaching

Relationship Building

In our elementary school, teachers encourage positive relationships with every pupil, and create rich experiences with engaging interactions.

Documentation and Display

Teachers make learning visible to peers, parents, and the school community using notice boards, newsletters, portfolios, and special events.

Parental involvement

Families are provided many opportunities to participate in their child’s learning including volunteering in the classroom and participating in school events.


Our elementary schools are equipped with the latest 21st century technology. Teachers and pupils can access technology as a tool to facilitate and enhance the learning experience.

Practical Life Skills

These appeal to the child's need for movement and order, independence, and social relationships, as he/she builds practical life skills.

Sensory Learning

Prime School materials and hands-on activities stimulate sensory discovery and description, while maximizing the child's natural desire to explore.


From abstract thinking to understanding concepts like linear counting, the decimal system, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Language and Literacy

Our carefully-planned Prime School classroom environment encourages growth in oral and written expression, as well as in reading, and grammar, so as to build literacy skills.

Social Studies

In the Prime School setting, children gain an awareness of the world around them, by discovering other countries, their customs, foods, languages, fauna and flora.

We emphasize our wide range of extracurricular activities designed specifically for young children and primary students. We understand the crucial importance of these foundational years for both parents and children. During this stage, children experience significant growth, acquiring new skills and steadily advancing across various developmental milestones, spanning physical, intellectual, and socio-emotional domains. This recognition drives us to prioritize providing a diverse selection of enriching extracurricular activities, which include:

- Football

- Music

- Chess

- Foreign Languages

- Sports

- Arts and Drama

- Robotics


Cambridge Curriculum

Our curriculum provides directed guidance and rich experiences that build upon individual strengths and talents. With our child development professionals at their side, children at Prime School are assured of getting the care they need, the creative learning experiences they enjoy, and the intellectually challenging opportunities they deserve.

at Prime School International

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ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certified

Prime School International is proud to be the first international school in Portugal to join the exclusive and prestigious group of Portuguese Certified Educational Institutions.
This certification underscores our commitment to providing the highest standards of education and boarding facilities, ensuring an exceptional learning environment for our students.